Humidity Sensors
Sparkfun: Humidity and Temperature Sensor - SHT15 Breakout
- Digital 2-wire interface
- Precise dewpoint calculation possible
- Accuracy +/- 1.5%
- Measurement range: 0-100% RH
- Absolute RH accuracy: +/- 2% RH (10...90% RH)
- Repeatability RH: +/- 0.1% RH
- Temp. accuracy: +/- 0.3°C @ 25°C
- Fast response time < 4 sec.
- Low power consumption (typ. 30 µW)
- $41.95
- Datasheet
SparkFun: Humidity Sensor - HIH-4030 Breakout
- Near linear, analog output
- 4-5.8VDC voltage supply
- All pins broken out to a 0.1" pitch header
- Laser trimmed interchangeability
- Accuracy +/- 3.5%
- Low power design, typical current draw of only 200μA
- Enhanced accuracy
- Fast response time
- Stable, low drift performance
- $16.95
- Datasheet
Liquidware: Humidity and Temperature Sensor SHT21
- Bidirectional communication over a single pin on I2C protocol
- Energy consumption: 80 uW (at 12 bit, 3V, 1 measurement/s)
- Relative Humidity operating range: 0-100% RH
- Relative Humidity resolution of 0.03%
- Relative Humidity Response Time of 8 sec (tau 63%)
- Accuracy +/- 1.5%
- Temperature operating range: -40 to +125°C
- Temperature resolution of 0.01 C
- 4 pins: +5V, GND, Clock (SCL), Data (SDA)
- Board is 5V tolerant, allowing sensor to run from a 5V supply on Arduino I/O pins
- $39.93
- Datasheet
Adafruit: Sensiron Temperature/Humidity Sensor - SHT11
- Communication: Two-Wire Serial
- Provides a fully calibrated, digital output
- Measure temperature with a resolution of 0.01 degrees and within +/- 2 degree accuracy
- Measures relative humidity with a resolution of 0.03%and within +/- 3.5% accuracy
- Low power consumption (typically 30 μW)
- Power requirements: 2.4 to 5.5 VDC
- Dimensions: 0.43 x 0.49 in (11 x 12.5 mm)
- Operating temp range: -40 to +254.9 �F (-40 to +123.8 �C)
- $35
- Datasheet
Seeed Studio Electronic brick - Indoor Temp & Humidity sensor
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